
The Ampersand (&) and The plus sign (+) are symbols used on bubblews

The community is a highly socially engaged network. The ampersand (&) is a way to mention other members within your posts and comments. When you use the ampersand to mention a member, that member will be notified.

For example (within a post or comment):

I like the +informative &jophi

The plus sign (+) is a way to uniquely tag your posts and comments to an aggregated word. By clicking that +tag it will take you to a page where you can see all posts from other members that also used that tag.

For example (within a post or comment):

Continue ideals to form an amazing community as pioneer the first fair +internet ecosystem.

Please see below. I show you the example of its application.

use + and & in the post

Happy Bubbling.


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