
My Second Bubblews Account

My first bubblews account has been deleted mercilessly by the bubblews team because they have violated the rules, they said that : Your account has been deleted due to: Spun content / rephrasing.
Appropriate policies of bubblews, if our account was deleted, we can re-apply and create a new one for another account using a different email address, please see this:

after we press "create an account", we will receive an email to confirm our email address as follows:









Hey &jophi,
We are excited that you want to join Bubblews!
One thing before getting started... we need to make sure this is your email address.
Please confirm that --------------------------is your email address by visiting here.
After confirming your email address, you will be able to post your own content and comment on posts on the site.
Confirm Email Address

©2014 Bubblews LLC, all rights reserved. 

a few moments later we will receive a n
otice that we have successfully joined, we will receive the following email: 

Hey &jophi, We are excited to see you on Bubblews! Our goal is to make the Internet a fair and equal place. That's why we created a social network that rewards users for sharing their lives, experiences, and thoughts.

What's next? 
Start Writing - Reviews Your Profile - Read Guidelines

And then, we were able to resume writing articles....never give up, happy bubbling!


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