
My article on March 18, 2015 in entitled " Be Grateful "

 My article on March 18, 2015 in entitled " Be Grateful " about thanking God.

There are a lot of blessing that God has given us since we were born into this mortal world. We can see a variety of natural beauty, hear the melodious sound, taste sweet, salty, sour, bitter, etc.
How expensive a grace value of health, how expensive if you have to breathe with oxygen bottles, how expensive for the treatment of the eyes, ears, etc.
The grace of God does not count and we may not be able to count them. The good news is we are not told to count the favors, but quite grateful.
There are some things that make us forget to be grateful:

1. We always measure something with our standards. If we think it is good, it has to happen. If it does not fit our expectations will sputter and frustrating. In fact, we think it's good, not necessarily according to God. Vice versa.
2. We are always looking at the grass was greener. Though we do not know the real situation.
3. We assume that we get such a success, wealth, etc. are the results of our efforts, because our education, etc., but we forget that all there is to arrange everything in this universe and its contents. Though everything is the power of God, everything is God's intervention. What does it mean we as creatures of God's creation are very small. we are just a dust in front of our Lord.

Let us learn to be grateful.
warm regards.&jophi


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