
Jihad does not mean radical action

Based on data released, the total population of the world in 2014 amounted to 7.15 billion, 28.26% are Muslim (this means the world Muslim population is 2.38 billion.'s shows that Muslims are the largest population in the world. Compare the number of terrorists who use the name of Islam. course, its value is very small compared to the entire Muslim world.

We are not talking about numbers, but it will show you, that in fact, Muslims are not synonymous with violence and terrorism as did a handful of people, who damage the image of Islam. Islam loves peace. Islam is a mercy to the worlds. 

There is a misconception in the meaning of "jihad" / struggle (fighting to defend the religion of Allah). Usually they are indoctrinated about jihad war orientation. A narrow understanding of jihad. Justifies any means, until the suicide bombings were carried out. Though there is no one else's argument allow suicide and killing innocent people. 

Jihad is to defend the wealth and self. Alms property, beat the taste stingy, is jihad. Go to a place of worship defeat laziness is jihad. the biggest jihad is fighting lust. 

The spirit of jihad (fighting to defend the religion of Allah) which is owned by the younger generation is a very positive thing, if jihad is not misunderstood. Misunderstanding of jihad, is something that is very dangerous for human life. Such, justifies even advocated martyrdom with suicide bombings with the aim of killing the people who are considered by them as infidels, or conspire with unbelievers.

Jargon "live with dignity or die in a state of martyrdom", it also seems often misunderstood as a cornerstone in the conduct violent acts to combat immorality and ugliness.

Despite the presence of "the game behind the scenes" and other factors, any religion, his people have the potential to radicalism and terrorism.

Many factors led to terrorism and radicalism, including the injustice, poverty, religious fanaticism, ethnic and racial, ideology and a false understanding of the religious values.

For Muslims, the wrong understanding of the verses of the Koran, particularly about jihad and war is one of the causes of radicalism and terrorism. Though many verses of the Koran that emphasize tolerance in jihad and proselytizing. Meekness and wisdom (wise) in conveying the truth. 

To the people especially the younger generation should be given understanding of the Qur'an and the Hadith comprehensively.  We need Studying Backwhat the true meaning of Jihad. Jihad is to defend the wealth and self. Alms property, beat the taste stingy, is jihad. Go to a place of worship defeat laziness is jihad. the biggest jihad is fighting lust.


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