
Guinea Pig is Cute and Adorable Animals

Guinea Pig

Guinea pig is a rodent species (rodentia) plant eater / grass / leaves. Guinea pig is furry animals, quadrupeds, have two ears, like rats, cute and adorable that including ornamental animals. This animal tame / not like to bite (when angry just gritted her teeth but do not bite) and easily maintained. Baby guinea pigs are born with hairy straight, go straight to the eye, can direct the streets, immediately able to eat solid food, and can immediately find their own food. The meat is believed to be the drug of asthma. Guinea pigs also also enjoys bird food is also commonly sold in bird food vendors.

Jihad does not mean radical action

Based on data released, the total population of the world in 2014 amounted to 7.15 billion, 28.26% are Muslim (this means the world Muslim population is 2.38 billion.'s shows that Muslims are the largest population in the world. Compare the number of terrorists who use the name of Islam. course, its value is very small compared to the entire Muslim world.

We are not talking about numbers, but it will show you, that in fact, Muslims are not synonymous with violence and terrorism as did a handful of people, who damage the image of Islam. Islam loves peace. Islam is a mercy to the worlds. 

There is a misconception in the meaning of "jihad" / struggle (fighting to defend the religion of Allah). Usually they are indoctrinated about jihad war orientation. A narrow understanding of jihad. Justifies any means, until the suicide bombings were carried out. Though there is no one else's argument allow suicide and killing innocent people. 

Jihad is to defend the wealth and self. Alms property, beat the taste stingy, is jihad. Go to a place of worship defeat laziness is jihad. the biggest jihad is fighting lust. 

The spirit of jihad (fighting to defend the religion of Allah) which is owned by the younger generation is a very positive thing, if jihad is not misunderstood. Misunderstanding of jihad, is something that is very dangerous for human life. Such, justifies even advocated martyrdom with suicide bombings with the aim of killing the people who are considered by them as infidels, or conspire with unbelievers.

Jargon "live with dignity or die in a state of martyrdom", it also seems often misunderstood as a cornerstone in the conduct violent acts to combat immorality and ugliness.

Despite the presence of "the game behind the scenes" and other factors, any religion, his people have the potential to radicalism and terrorism.

Many factors led to terrorism and radicalism, including the injustice, poverty, religious fanaticism, ethnic and racial, ideology and a false understanding of the religious values.

For Muslims, the wrong understanding of the verses of the Koran, particularly about jihad and war is one of the causes of radicalism and terrorism. Though many verses of the Koran that emphasize tolerance in jihad and proselytizing. Meekness and wisdom (wise) in conveying the truth. 

To the people especially the younger generation should be given understanding of the Qur'an and the Hadith comprehensively.  We need Studying Backwhat the true meaning of Jihad. Jihad is to defend the wealth and self. Alms property, beat the taste stingy, is jihad. Go to a place of worship defeat laziness is jihad. the biggest jihad is fighting lust.

My article on March 18, 2015 in entitled " Be Grateful "

 My article on March 18, 2015 in entitled " Be Grateful " about thanking God.

There are a lot of blessing that God has given us since we were born into this mortal world. We can see a variety of natural beauty, hear the melodious sound, taste sweet, salty, sour, bitter, etc.
How expensive a grace value of health, how expensive if you have to breathe with oxygen bottles, how expensive for the treatment of the eyes, ears, etc.
The grace of God does not count and we may not be able to count them. The good news is we are not told to count the favors, but quite grateful.
There are some things that make us forget to be grateful:

1. We always measure something with our standards. If we think it is good, it has to happen. If it does not fit our expectations will sputter and frustrating. In fact, we think it's good, not necessarily according to God. Vice versa.
2. We are always looking at the grass was greener. Though we do not know the real situation.
3. We assume that we get such a success, wealth, etc. are the results of our efforts, because our education, etc., but we forget that all there is to arrange everything in this universe and its contents. Though everything is the power of God, everything is God's intervention. What does it mean we as creatures of God's creation are very small. we are just a dust in front of our Lord.

Let us learn to be grateful.
warm regards.&jophi

My Second Bubblews Account

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Soap Bubble Recipe

Soap Bubble
bubble, soap bubble, soap bubble recipe
Soap Bubble

In today's technology era, inevitably, our children playing in front of a computer, laptop or their gadget with a wide variety of computer games, social media and a variety of features that make them soluble in it. They sometimes forget the time and was hooked. Finally, our children as being "autistic", busy with their own activities and less sociable. When in fact, our children should play outdoors with his friends and true in our day, many children's games are exciting and memorable. Playing a top, the game of hide-seek, playing soap bubbles, playing on a sand dune, swim in the river, looking for crickets in the fields, looking eel, fish, etc.

My membership in reminds me of a soap bubble game..hehe..

Are you looking for a game that is cheap and attractive? maybe this could be the solution for you to make your children laugh merry, maybe even for your own, which may have been less happy on the age of the childhood..hehe..LOL
At our place (Indonesia), has been sold liquid bubble maker instant, but it's good if we make it by ourselves, so that we become more satisfied and also teach our children to play creatively by making its own, or it may also be a means to train our children, become a entrepreneur to sell soap bubbles.

Recipes Soap Bubbles
Washing soap (dish soap or a dab of soap) about a quarter cup of about 10 grams.
About 100ml water. description: If you want to maximize use of water droplets / AC condensation because of its fewer ions so that Bubble is more durable than tap water still contains ions Calcium, Magnesium and iron which can inhibit the making bubbles. But if you use a detergent, then this is not a problem, because the detergent has been immune to these ions.
Glycerin / soap (a tablespoon or a quarter of soap), or sugar (half a teaspoon). description: Glycerin is an ingredient in soap so we could get from the glycerin soap but it would be better if glycerin directly. Glycerin can be found in the store chemicals. glycerin has water absorbing properties nearby.

The composition of the above are just a sample estimate, please creative use and material composition according your wishes.

Stir until smooth or Enter into a bottle (bottle of mineral water) and then shaken until completely dissolved and mixed all the ingredients. To be better, let sit for one or two nights in a container without a lid.

There are also recipes for making bubble many and not easily broken, we can add a leaf cottonwood trees, hibiscus leaves or spinach leaves (select one).

Sufficiently kneaded with water until the starch out of colors and leaves become slippery as slimy. Then filtered and mixed with detergent taste.

For best results with leaf cottonwood trees, but because it is difficult to come by, it can use kale leaves.

If you want more practical, can use Kit Motor Shampoo, mix a little water aja already finished. no need to accomplish squeezed spinach leaves.

There also are using the following formula:
- Liquid soap for washing dishes
- Detergent
- Water
- Plastic cups (for containers)
- Large Straws (for blower)

How to create and play
- Pour the liquid dish soap to meet the basic glass
- Then, add the detergent on sunlight to taste
- Add up to 3/4 cup water and stir gently until dissolved
- When finished, dip one end of the straw to 'potion', then lift and blow the other end

While the tool for the blower, can use large straw or stick the ends curved to form a circle and hold onto the base, or can also buy automatic blower with a battery as in the photo above. If the wind is rather strong, after immersion stay directed course, the elongated shape like a glass tunnel until then so large balloon the size of the head.

Turns easily ya make soap bubbles, please try, passable as a remedy to reduce stress.

Many Changes Occured in

There is something that is changing in

Due to busy and other thing, long enough I don't visit bubblews account. Wow, it has been a lot of changes going on in bubblews : in term of the rules, features, performance, etc. 

Many accounts were delete, because it violates the strict rules of bubblews team. They also protect spam comment on articles. Display of the feature "more posts" also make it more attractive. Now they also add a "trending articles and offer" which is an ad from, and of advertising, which will appears, each of us open an article.

Congratulations Bubblews. 
Go a head, be a peoneer of social media with revenue sharing program. 

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